Dive Trips - Certified Divers

We offer you 2-tank dive trips everyday, to provide you with unmatched flexibility. Let us know what your needs are, schedule your own trip…

We want you to have a safe and enjoyable vacation.

Certification divers trip

Our schedules:

-8:30 am – Deep Dive
-10:30 am – shallow Dive

-2:00 pm – Deep Dive
-3:30 om – shallow dive

The decisions of where reef you’re going to dive, is through votation at the boat.

*if you add more people to the private, the price will change. ask for cost and availability.

The pick up hours differs of the dock and the hotel where you are.

we offer rental of equipment. (you need to ask in advance)

Are there nine of you coming? Let us know, we can offer you to charter a private boat, bring a tenth passenger for free and have access to our special group prices…

Remember to bring your certification card for the application form

Courses from learn-to-dive through advanced specialties, click here.

Get certified!!